Prerequisite Override
In certain circumstances, students may request permission from academic advisors, department chairs, associate deans, and/or instructors to register for a course without having the specified prerequisite completed or in progress. For students to request an override, they must submit a Prerequisite Override Request Form.
What is a Prerequisite?
Many courses require prerequisite courses or placement tests to be completed before you can register for the course. Your myUTSA Account will screen for designated prerequisites on specific departmental courses. Prior to registering for a course, you can check the prerequisites for it in the current catalog by clicking on the course subject or number in the Schedule of Classes.
How to Submit a Prerequisite Override Request Form
- Go to the Prerequisite Override Request Form
- Login with your myUTSA ID and passphrase
- Your information will be pre-filled. Complete the other fields including the CRN for the course you are seeking a prerequisite override and the reason for the request.
- Once you hit submit, your request will be automatically routed to your instructor/department. You will receive an email if your request was approved or disapproved.