On Thursday, March 27, One Stop will be closed from 12:30-2:30 at the Main Campus and from 12:30 to the end of day at the Downtown Campus due to a divisional meeting.

Academic Standing

We want you to succeed at UTSA which is why academic standing is very important. You will find more information below about the different types of academic standing. If you are not doing well in your courses, there are resources available to you such as meeting with your academic advisor (undergraduate or graduate), supplemental instruction and tutoring.

Undergraduate Academic Standing

Have questions about your academic standing? Contact One Stop for help.

Awesome! You are meeting overall UTSA GPA requirements to continue enrollment at UTSA. Keep up the good work!

This means you earned a semester grade point average (GPA) between 1.0 and 1.99 in your first semester at UTSA. In order to be in Good Standing, you must raise your overall UTSA GPA to a 2.0 or higher. If your overall UTSA GPA remains below a 2.0, you will be placed on Academic Probation. We encourage you to contact your Academic Advisor with questions.

Click here for more information on Academic Warning.

This means you must earn a semester grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher every semester in order to continue your enrollment at UTSA. If you earn a semester GPA below a 2.0 while on probation, you will be placed on Academic Dismissal. In order to be removed from Academic Probation, you must achieve an overall UTSA grade point average 2.0 or higher. We encourage you to contact your Academic Advisor with questions.

Click here for more information on Academic Probation.

This means you did not earn a semester GPA of 2.0 or higher and cannot continue your enrollment at UTSA. You may petition for readmission only after sitting out the required time:

  • First time dismissed- one semester (either fall, spring, or summer)
  • Second time dismissed- one calendar year

You must reapply and completing all paperwork necessary to be considered for readmission by the reinstatement deadline. Students who have been dismissed three times are not eligible for reinstatement into the University.

Click here for more information on Academic Dismissal.

Graduate Academic Standing

Have questions about your academic standing? Contact One Stop for help.

Awesome! You are meeting overall UTSA GPA requirements to continue enrollment at UTSA. Keep up the good work!

This means you must earn an overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 and none of the following apply to you in order to be in Good Standing:

  • Achieve a GPA in any term at UTSA of 3.0 or higher, irrespective of level of courses taken
  • Received a grade of “D+,” “D,” or “D-” in any course in a term and a grade point average of 3.0 or higher
  • Does not meet all requirements for unconditional or regular admission and who, by special action, is admitted on academic probation
  • Been reinstated following academic dismissal

Click here for more information on Academic Probation.

This means you cannot continue your enrollment at UTSA because of one of the following is applicable to you:

  • Earned a grade point average of less than 2.0 in any term at the graduate level.
  • Earned a grade of “F” in any course at the graduate level.
  • Admitted on probation with conditions and fails to meet a condition at the graduate level.
  • On academic probation during a term would again be placed on academic probation under the provisions of academic probation set forth above at the graduate level.
  • Unable to pass an oral or written exam (such as the Comprehensive Examination or Qualifying Examination) required for the degree after the maximum of two attempts. Some programs may have more stringent requirements.
  • Failed to make satisfactory progress toward the degree, as defined by University regulations and the regulations of the graduate program in which the student is enrolled at the graduate level.

You may petition for reinstatement after one semester (fall, spring, or summer) has elapsed from the date of dismissal.

Click here for more information on Academic Dismissal.

Call & Chat

Call Us

(210) 458-8000

Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Call volumes may be higher during peak times, but we do have a call back feature!


Click on the chat icon on the bottom right corner of this website.

Email & Docs

Email US

Email onestop@utsa.edu

Email turnaround is approx. 3-5 business days. During peak times, it may be longer.

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Document Uploader

Upload completed PDF forms (or scan them into a PDF) through our Document Uploader tool.



Monday- Friday 8:30am- 4:00pm (Main and Downtown Campus)

Main Campus

JPL 110
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249

Downtown Campus

FS 2.400
501 W. Cesar Chavez Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78207


What is one Stop?

The One Stop Enrollment Center assists with all questions related to financial aid, admissions and registration. Need help submitting paperwork, want to request a transcript, or verification of enrollment? Our office is here to help!