Student Records

Releasing Education Records (FERPA)

Student education records are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) on the first day of class for the term the student begins enrollment and continues after a student leaves UTSA for whatever reason. Learn more about FERPA and how to give access to a proxy after the first day of class.

Academic Honesty

The University can best function and accomplish its objectives in an atmosphere of high ethical standards. All students are expected and encouraged to contribute to such an atmosphere in every way possible, especially by observing all accepted principles of academic honesty. It is recognized, however, that a large university will include a few students who do not understand, appreciate, or practice these principles. Consequently, alleged cases of academic dishonesty involving UTSA students will inevitably occur.

Academic or scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give an unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts. Academic dishonesty is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and is addressed in Appendix B, Sec. 203 of the UTSA Student Policies.

For more information on ethical standards and the Student Code of Conduct, refer to the UTSA Student Policies.

Academic Standing – Undergraduate Students

Minimum Grade Requirements

Students are expected to maintain a level of scholastic achievement that allows them to meet the grade requirements for graduation. Students remain in good standing when they maintain a UTSA grade point average of 2.0 or higher. Students who fail to maintain the minimum required grade point average of 2.0 in all work attempted at UTSA will be placed on academic warning, academic probation, or academic dismissal as appropriate. Students seeking degrees in the College of Business or the College of Engineering, or planning to major in Biology, should refer to the UTSA Undergraduate Catalog for additional minimum grade requirements.

Undergraduate students should refer to the UTSA Student Policies for the definitions of academic warning, academic probation and academic dismissal and reinstatement policy and procedures.

Classification and Time Status Terms

Classification Terms

Classification Terms Number of Semester
Credit Hours Earned
Upper-division Senior 90 or more
Junior 60 to 89
Lower-division Sophomore 30 to 59
Freshman 0 to 29

UTSA Graduate Student Classification Terms

Graduate Degree-Seeking Student: A student who is admitted to a graduate degree program, unconditionally, conditionally or conditionally on academic probation.

Special Graduate Student: A student who is admitted to UTSA for the purpose of enrolling in graduate and/or undergraduate courses in one or more colleges of the university without entering a degree program.

Non Degree-Seeking Graduate Student: A student who registers for courses but does not intend to work toward a degree at UTSA.

Note: A graduate student who wishes to work on a program to meet the requirements for teacher certification or for a certificate endorsement must be admitted as a graduate degree-seeking student or special graduate student (not a special undergraduate student). He or she must apply to the College of Education and Human Development Advising and Certification Center for an official analysis of the requirements that must be met before he or she can be recommended for certification.

How to Find Your Credit Hours

Log onto myUTSA Account, click on Student Services, click on Registration, click on Select Term, click on Check Registration Status. Look for credit hours under EARNED CREDIT; add transfer hours (if any) and institutional hours to get the total.

Time Status Terms

Undergraduate Time Status Number of Credit Hours Enrolled Per Fall,
Spring, or Entire Summer Semester
Full time 12 or more semester credit hours
Three-quarter time 9 to 11 semester credit hours
Half time 6 to 8 semester credit hours
Less-than-half time Fewer than 6 semester credit hours


Number of Credit Hours Enrolled
Graduate Time Status Fall/Spring Summer
Full-time Nine or more semester credit hours Five or more semester credit hours
Three-quarter time Six to eight semester credit hours Not Applicable
Half time Four to five semester credit hours Three to four semester credit hours
Less than half time Fewer than four semester credit hours One to two semester credit hours

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Monday- Friday 8:30am- 4:00pm (Main and Downtown Campus)

Main Campus

JPL 110
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249

Downtown Campus

FS 2.400
501 W. Cesar Chavez Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78207


What is one Stop?

The One Stop Enrollment Center assists with all questions related to financial aid, admissions and registration. Need help submitting paperwork, want to request a transcript, or verification of enrollment? Our office is here to help!