On Thursday, March 27, One Stop will be closed from 12:30-2:30 at the Main Campus and from 12:30 to the end of day at the Downtown Campus due to a divisional meeting.

Registration Errors

Need help and support with registration? One Stop has got your back! See below for a list of common registration error messages and how you can reach us for more personal, guided assistance.

Common Registration Error Messages

For various reasons, sometimes the classes that you try to add to your schedule in the Add Classes Worksheet do not work and registration errors result. Below is a list of the most common registration error messages along with their explanation.

Time Ticket Prevents Registration

You are trying to register for classes when it’s not your designated timeframe. Please check the registration schedule for your registration date and time which is based on classification and earned hours.

Time Conflict

You have attempted to register for two classes that have identical or overlapping times. This error message gives you the CRN of the class that is preventing you from registering. If you need the class that you just tried to register for, then drop the class that is currently listed on your schedule. If the classes only have a brief time overlap and both classes are needed, then a memo of permission from each instructor must be brought to the Registrar’s Office (MS 2.02.24) to have the time conflict overridden.

CRN Does Not Exist

You have attempted to enter a CRN that is not present in the Schedule of Classes. Often this is a typing error; double-check the CRN that was entered for accuracy. Possibly you may be in the wrong term and there is no matching CRN for the term that you are trying to register.

CORQ_Course CRN REQ (example: CORQ_SPAN 1020 REQ)

Some courses require that you register for two classes at the same time, such as lecture and lab classes. These types of classes are referred to as corequisites. When registering for classes that require corequisites, both CRNs must be added to the Add Classes Worksheet at the same time. The CORQ error message gives you the Course ID and possibly the CRN of the missing corequisite that you should enter in the Add Classes Worksheet along with your initial CRN.

Duplicate Section

You are currently registered for another section of this course. If you are trying to switch sections, you must drop the currently registered section while adding the new section at the same time.

Linked Course Required

This course has a linked class or lab section that requires concurrent enrollment.  When registering, make sure to enter both CRN’s at the same time before clicking on the “Submit” button.


Many courses require prerequisite courses or placement tests must be completed before you can register for the course. Your myUTSA Account will screen for designated prerequisites on specific departmental courses. Prior to registering for a course, you can check the prerequisites for it in the current catalog by clicking on the course subject or number in the Schedule of Classes. In certain circumstances, students may request permission from academic advisors, department chairs, associate deans, and/or instructors to register for a course without having the specified prerequisite completed or in progress. To request an override, please submit a Prerequisite Override Request Form.

Independent Study Approval Requirement

You may not register for Independent Study courses on your myUTSA Account. Fill out the Independent Study Course Form, obtain the authorizations, and bring the form to the One Stop Enrollment Center. The form is reviewed and you are registered manually.

Level Restriction

This error message appears when you are an undergraduate student attempting to register for graduate-level courses without proper authorization. Please see your advisor if you have questions about this registration error message.

Major Restriction

Courses with this message require that you be listed as a major in whatever program of study is required for admission to these classes. Please see your advisor if you have questions about this registration error message.

Student Attribute Restriction

Some course sections are only available to students in specific programs (e.g. honors). This message appears when you have tried to add a course and you are not in the specific program required for enrollment. To see if a section is only being offered to students in a specific program, visit the class schedule and view the comments listed for the course.

Campus Restriction

This message appears when you are trying to register for a course that is designated for a specific campus (e.g. Online Program campus code is for students in a fully online degree program). If you get this error, you will need to find another course with a different campus code.

Other Special Approval Restrictions

Contact the advising or department office of the requested course or the office specified in the error message.

Help with Registration

If you experience difficulty accessing registration records, please email onestop@utsa.edu. If you receive a message you do not understand, make a note of the message. If it is a problem with your admission file, call (210) 458-8000 during university business hours and select the appropriate option.

Call & Chat

Call Us

(210) 458-8000

Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Call volumes may be higher during peak times, but we do have a call back feature!


Click on the chat icon on the bottom right corner of this website.

Email & Docs

Email US

Email onestop@utsa.edu

Email turnaround is approx. 3-5 business days. During peak times, it may be longer.

Upload A Document

Document Uploader

Upload completed PDF forms (or scan them into a PDF) through our Document Uploader tool.



Monday- Friday 8:30am- 4:00pm (Main and Downtown Campus)

Main Campus

JPL 110
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249

Downtown Campus

FS 2.400
501 W. Cesar Chavez Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78207


What is one Stop?

The One Stop Enrollment Center assists with all questions related to financial aid, admissions and registration. Need help submitting paperwork, want to request a transcript, or verification of enrollment? Our office is here to help!