New Student Financial Aid Offer
New freshmen and transfers who have been admitted and offered financial aid at UTSA will receive several notifications regarding their financial aid offer. Students can accept or decline financial aid on their myUTSA Account.
Financial Aid Offer Email
New admits offered financial aid will receive an email notification of their offer to the email address used on their admission application. This will give steps on how to view and accept their financial aid offer.
Financial Aid Offer Mailer
New admits will receive notification about their financial aid offer in the mail. This offer will provide details on how to view the Cost of Attendance, Student Aid Index, and Cost Summary.
Financial Aid Offer Video
New admits will receive a personalized financial aid video detailing their financial aid offer. This video includes information on the Cost of Attendance, Student Aid Index, and Cost Summary which details the net price and remaining costs. Students will be sent a link to the video; they must answer a challenge question before they can access it. Note: Students will receive a text message from a third-party vendor if we have a valid mobile phone number on file.
Financial Aid Info Sessions
We offer virtual info sessions that walk through our Financial Aid offers. Look for sessions tagged with “Understanding your 25-26 Financial Aid Offer”.
Register for an Info Session
Financial Aid Offer Details
Below we have provided more information about how to understand the financial aid offer, how to accept the offer, and more.
Understanding Your Offer
For more information on how your financial aid was calculated, common terms and processes, visit Understanding Your Offer. You can also view our Understanding Your Financial Aid video!
Accept Your Financial Aid Offer on myUTSA Account
You must accept all or parts of your financial aid offer online by logging into myUTSA Account. For instructions on how to do this, visit How to Accept Your Aid.
Cost of Attendance
The cost of attendance (COA) is made of direct and indirect costs and is an estimate of what it costs a typical student to attend UTSA for one academic year (fall and spring terms). Learn more about what is included in the COA.
Remaining Costs
Remaining cost is not a direct reflection of what you will need to pay UTSA, but it gives you an idea of what costs you will need to cover. View our other options to see how you can cover any remaining expenses.
Student Loans
Student loans can help reduce your remaining cost, but must be paid back. Learn more about borrowing student loans including what to do once you’ve accepted them.
Work Study
Work study is an employment opportunity program where you can find a job on campus. As a reminder, you must apply for and be offered a position. Any earnings will go directly to you and does not pay towards your bill. Learn more about work study and how to apply for jobs.
Outside Scholarship Notification
If you are receiving outside scholarship, you must notify us by submitting the Outside Scholarship Notification Form. Be sure you are submitting the form for the correct aid year!
Did you know that your scholarship donor can submit scholarship funds electronically through the Outside Scholarship Donation Station? We encourage you to let your donor know so we can receive the funding faster!
Tuition Exemptions & External Resources
If you are expecting to receive a tuition exemption or an external resource, you must submit information to the appropriate office. View details and instructions on our exemption page.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
In order to receive financial aid, you must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) every year. Learn more about SAP and how to maintain it.
Maintaining Eligibility for Specific Types of Aid
Certain grants and scholarships have additional requirements (other than SAP) to maintain eligibility. Learn more about your specific financial aid and how to remain eligible.
If you are selected for verification by the Department of Education, you must submit documentation in order to verify the information submitted on your FAFSA. You can see if you were selected for verification by viewing your outstanding financial aid requirements on your myUTSA Account. Learn more information about verification and how to submit documents.
Contact One Stop
If you would like to change your decision to accept a previously declined offer, please contact us for assistance.
Complete Your Rowdy Ready Checklist
Becoming Rowdy Ready is very important as a new student! Your Rowdy Ready checklist will let you know your next steps before attending UTSA. Learn how to check your Rowdy Ready status and get started!