On Thursday, March 27, One Stop will be closed from 12:30-2:30 at the Main Campus and from 12:30 to the end of day at the Downtown Campus due to a divisional meeting.


Overawards occur when we receive additional information not accounted for when the student was offered originally.

Per federal financial aid regulations, we must resolve any overaward on a student’s account.

Common examples of changes that cause overawards include, but are not limited to:

  • Receipt of Internal or External Scholarships
  • Notification of Exemptions/Tuition and Fee Waivers (e.g. Hazlewood, etc.)
  • Stipends
  • Enrollment Changes
  • FAFSA Corrections
  • Residency Updated
  • Changes to Your Housing Plan

In some cases, overawards will result in a balance due to the University. Payment arrangements will need to be made with Fiscal Services to ensure that a hold will not be placed on the student’s account that would prevent future registration, the viewing of grades, the release of transcripts and verification of enrollment.

Balances can be paid online through myUTSA Account, in person at Fiscal Services, by phone or via mail.

Call & Chat

Call Us

(210) 458-8000

Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Call volumes may be higher during peak times, but we do have a call back feature!


Click on the chat icon on the bottom right corner of this website.

Email & Docs

Email US

Email onestop@utsa.edu

Email turnaround is approx. 3-5 business days. During peak times, it may be longer.

Upload A Document

Document Uploader

Upload completed PDF forms (or scan them into a PDF) through our Document Uploader tool.



Monday- Friday 8:30am- 4:00pm (Main and Downtown Campus)

Main Campus

JPL 110
One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78249

Downtown Campus

FS 2.400
501 W. Cesar Chavez Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78207


What is one Stop?

The One Stop Enrollment Center assists with all questions related to financial aid, admissions and registration. Need help submitting paperwork, want to request a transcript, or verification of enrollment? Our office is here to help!